Samir Nasri chants
A chant sung by Arsenal fans about player Samir Nasri
Shalalalalaalalaa! samir Nas-a-ri! nas-a-ri! samir Nas-a-rii!
A chant sung by Arsenal fans about player Samir Nasri
He's frenchy, he loves money. he @@@@s the bench, of Man City. he's @@@as, he's Cashley, fils de @@@@, Samir...
A chant sung by Manchester City fans about player Samir Nasri to the tune Paparazzi by Lady Gaga
I'm your biggest fan, i'll follow you until you love me samir, samir Nasri.
By Alex Herd
A chant sung by Arsenal fans about player Samir Nasri to Manchester City to the tune Money Money Money by Abba
@@@@ty @@@@ty Nasri! Went to City! It's a rich man's world!
By Mad Neb
A chant sung by Manchester City fans about player Samir Nasri to the tune Paparazzi by Lady Gaga
I'm your biggest fan, i love it when you score for City, samir, samir Nasri.
By Apollo